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tv   Cashin In  FOX News  December 15, 2012 8:30am-9:00am PST

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every fod service employee and secretary and principal and teacher and volunteer has to be trained and impowered and prabitis to make life or death decigs without waiting for instructions . i am getting indications that that occurred in the at the same times from public safety and lieutenant vance and so forth. the drills are definitely extremely important. reverse the evacuation and lock down and they are life saving protocol that not only talk to people but provide the practice and implement them wistly. a a 10 second delay increases the number of people killed or injury . a pornography or fire or any such even. nthe training is more than the armoring and affects on the school.
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muc motorcycle. tharching you. nthank you, sir. lieutenant paul vance, high and his crew were here just an hour going giving a new's conference. and keeping an eye out for a vehicle to come in in any moment for the superintendent. we are waiting an update out of newtown, connecticut where we expect to see the details of what transfired and the profile of the killer ahead . [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. in what world do potatoes, bacon and cheese add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am
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state police in connecticut have uncovered evidence that
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will point to how and why this horrific shooting took place at sandy hook elementary school. ine as we learn new details about the shooter, adam lanza seen here in a 2005 photo, will we ever know what motivated him? dr. stone is a clipical psychetrist. you have looked at hundreds of them over the years. >> commonality in mass mores is the element of rage and consuming rage that follows a humiliating hurt. being a lener and projected by other people and jilted boy a girlfriend. fired from a job things of that sort and somebody who has little ordinary human resources in the way of
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sociability. and allows them to soften the rage effort and melt down in a chronic anger and they are explosive and they explode with rage and get vengeance by committing a murderous act. and depets back at people who hurt them and they don't care if they die in the process . >> these kids didn't hurt anyone. why go after the children? >> there is a connection i suspect with the mother who was a teacher at that school or part-time. he was unable to really live pretty much on his own and he lived with his mother and she collected guns which is oud odd for a woman to do. and there was a dispute. you may never know what kind of dispute there was between her and him. but if he wants to get
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vengeance and commit mass murder, he goes to the school and kills who ever is there. children are helpless and he can do the most damage and get his horrible 15 minutes of fame and dying in the process. throwing his life away in this rage. as a person who probably sensed more and more he could never connect with people and have a norpal life or family. paranoi uponia schizophrenia, is that a causal factor. he is in the age bracket where that affliction strikes. >> he's in the age bracket. but i don't see him as schizophrenia. the tendency of violences in schizophrenia is four or 6 percent instead of one percent. and worse if they drink
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alcohol. i see him more in the autistic very high intelience, and autistic person who cane have empathy with other people and can't understand the foalings and can't make maul talk and look you in the eyes. and regulated to the margins was society by virture of being loners that can't connect. >> they get more angry about that. >> they say he was a smart guy and kind of a loner and didn't engage in other people. dr. michael stone, thank you for sharing your expertise . >> we heard from mayor guliani it is the reminder in the worst way that evil exist in the world. on the ground. crisis teems are here and helping the community grieve and we grieve along with them.
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we'll be right back with more news from newtown ahead.
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connecticut state police said the gunman forced his way in the building. they will release the names of the victims possibly later today. and another 48 hours or more. and police lieutenant paul vance is pleading with the media to protect the privacy of the grieving families. governor mike huckabee. in jonesboro couple of kids opened fire on their class
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heights. none of them was len years old. >> the other was 12. they tricked their class mates and teachers and used a fire alarm out of the classroom to a fenced area. they open happened fire and the doors locked and the kids couldn't get back in. they killed five and wounded 10. one of the five killed was a teacher and the question is, how do you dole with an 11 year old who killed with someone? it never occurred to anyone that we neeleded to center a law that said it was wrong for an 11 year old to commit mass murder. >> they were held under arkansas law under the age of 18. and wouldn't have criminal rears. after 21 they were free. and the problem that we often
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face, how come we didn't have a law. you can't hava a law to predict. we do have a law. thou smalt not kill. the specific application is never going to be there. if people sape i hope we can pass law. we can and it is it a reaction and then manage else will happen and we'll say yet we have more laws. there is a bigger issue and that is this whole discussion of who we are as a culture and as a people. there is no simple answer to we'll talk about guns to asbergers and a whole of things that should be a part of the conversation . and if anybody is looking for magib or simple they are looking in vaip . >> rudy guliani said there is no one solution . nno, there is not.
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>> it is a cultural problem? >> it is it. a lot of people will dissdismiss that. and i said it earlier on fox and friends. john, kids went to school at my school and we had guns in the vehicles and gun racks visible. and guns on the school parking lot. because people hunted before and after school. part of the culture, but it was not part of the culture to kill each other on the campus ump. the guns were there. and the mipped set has to get into play for poem to commit this of a crume . nyou are also ape min >> brian:er and what do you say to the families of the kids. >> there are no worfs. my experience 30 years ago is a one. more you hug people and get close to them and less you say
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and shed real tears with them. what the president did in the podium was the most powerful thing he could have done . he shed tears and go to the new testament, the shortest verse in all of the bible. jesus wept. america wept. governor mike huckabee, good to have you around and tharching you. >> thank you, john. >> jenny. >> continuing coverage throughout the day in the dead low shooting in sandy hook community. and community of 30,000 people. 20 families insurancing the loss of a child this holiday season. we'll bring you the latest on fox news ahead. sometimes what we suffer from
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>> a fox news alert now. in the midwest, police need your help. a manhunt in missouri for this man. 30 year old gary. wanted for the murder of a washington county had
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sheriff's deputy. it happened in mineral springs. local police were assisting the ambulance call were ambushed and the officer killed. the suspect ran off in the woods. he is 6-2 inches tall. and wearing camouflage and considered armed and dangerous. threetthreese police are searching for him. he is believed to be armed. gena . a developing store tore. newtown, connecticut. a town of 30,000 or less than that in fact. some of the journalgist that i am speaking with that are local here meptioned that new tune is a center and maybe look at the school district as a great one to choose for the children because it is it so nice. we'll reflect on the sights and sounds as the evensub
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unnolded. >> it doesn't seem real . it doesn't seem possible. nit is no words. >> it is sheer terror . and sense of urgeency. and you know to get to your child and to be there to protect them. >> there imagine phone call and the schools are on look down . i have a rest tha apeer that has woman am on the school. there were hisir being al misdemeanors and ed what was going on . she said the principal is dead and the children came out with blood. >> we are cope trying to find out what is on. it is nerve wracking.
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and we do have more cars coming in. >> we was in a small reading group, and they tarted hearingix bangs, and her toacher which i am so grateful for. there was a small drop and rushed thid cans in the bath rom and locked the door. and they told the children that it was hammering. and tried to cipe them calm. the next thing i know, because it is very hard to get a complete story, the next thing i know, is thalt police came and they were knocking on the door to be let out of the classroom and when they were. she had seen glass and blood. one child recovered in blood but that choiled is safe much
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>> was talking about how the walking down the hallway pletes told them to close their eyes. it was a sensitive scene. and she said she heard gun shots and what she told me was in the beginning. the intercom came on and she heard a scream on the intercom and it went immediately off. and i am not sure with the spectaculars and how the school was locked down. she heard scream and gun shots. it is it not headaching sense. it is senseless. our hearts are with everybody. everybody parent and mother and father and grand mother and mother and brother and sister and all of the other children . >> everybody is doing. and a couple of frens weep haven't groten in touch w. we hope everything is okay with them. >> you might have heard there
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was a description of glass on floor there was glass all over the school. nfiver responders had to figure out their own way to force their way in the school and make sure thes were protected. we'll be right back with more aed had. -- ahead. >> all right. gena, we are looking for answers as to what happened. we'll hear more from the state police. they promised a new's conference. if it takes place we'll have it here live on fox. this is how mommy learned...
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